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Published OP-ED: Christian asylum seekers waiting in limbo

On July 23, 2022, the Colorado Springs Gazette published a Guest Column by senior associate, Petula McShiras. Written with the assistance of the American Immigration Council, the column asks for the fair and equal treatment of Afghan applications for Humanitarian Parole.  We applaud the administration for its efforts in Ukraine and it’s wonderful to see the Uniting for Ukraine (commonly called U4U) working so efficiently to assist Ukrainians fleeing Russia’s invasion of their country.  However, many Afghans fleeing the Taliban are still fearing for their lives inside and outside of Afghanistan.

“[F]ewer than 3,000 of the 45,000 Afghans who’ve asked for parole have been processed. Of these, only 270 had been approved.”

Click here to read this article and learn more about the plight of one such Afghan family.